JW Player 推出 HTML5版本

JW Player 推出 HTML5版本

不止有Flash / Silverlight 版本,現在還有 HTML5版本喔!

著名的Web媒體播放器JW Player近日發佈了HTML5測試版本。JW Player for HTML5是基於HTML5

詳情訪問:JW Player for HTML5

下載 JW Player for HTML5 Beta

  • Single MP4 Video This example is the basic setup for a video that plays on Safari, iPhone/iPad and Chrome.
  • WebM Video Example This example includes a video encoded in the new WebM / VP8 format. Only preview versions of Chrome, Opera and Firefox currently support WebM. On other browsers, the player will fallback to HTML5 H.264 (Safari/iPad) or Flash H.264 (IE).
  • MP4 Plus OGG Video This example is the basic setup for a video that plays in HTML5 on most browsers. Only IE 6/7/8 will fallback to Flash.
  • Custom Player Skin This is an example of a setup with MP4 video and a custom player skin. Any JW Player PNG skin is supported!
  • Multiple Players This is an example showing multiple players on one page. Different videos, but the same player options.

JW Player 其他資訊:

Silverlight用的JW WMV PLAYER 1.0
[FLA原始檔]JW Media Player 3.15 FLV播放器